
Friday 21 February 2020

The Giants and the Magical beans

One horrible morning waking up finding these magical beans. I showed my mum she was about to eat them. Eww Yuck. Later that day my mum called my dad. She said “ Hey do you know about 4 green beans” HE replied “ yes they are magical beans they would lead to this ugly horrible giant”. My mum thought it was a fairy tale

At night when my dad arrived He told me to chuck it outside so I listened to him. Since He knows everything about that giant. Early in the morning listening to the rooster voice peacefully was so nice. Waking up peacefully as well. Looked outside and yelled Ahhhhhhhhh what the hell is this outside.So I climbed it all the way in the air.

When I got up I was amazed. I thought I had owned a million dollar castle to fit all of my family. Until I went in I saw the Big ugly giant my dad was talking about. He was huge like really huge. I thought Giants were fairy tales. When the giant went to get dinner He had caught me. Then chased after me Saying Fee fi fo fum.

When me and the big old giant got down. My mum was waiting for me and she had a sledgehammer. She was ready to chop that head of his body. First she chopped the magic beanstalk then jumped on a big trampoline and chopped his big head off.

Thursday 20 February 2020

Friday 14 February 2020

word find


At the entrance of caving nerve racking scared. ready to go down it looked super fun looking at it right there with my eyes. Saying to my friends “are you ready you look scared” I replied It's okay were here.

Going down into a blackout with a torch on my head holding the rope was Super fun going down. I could feel water going inside my shoes. It felt like I was sliding. It was deep down where I could see nothing at all.

30 minutes later I could see something. I could see heaps of water so when I got there I went on a platform from where I could bomb in the water. I got tired so I looked for an exit to lead to my cabin To rest my shaky legs and Eat some delicious food. And get some rest for some more that I can go caving again later that day.

When I found the exit I was exhausted. From walking and swimming nearly all day long. When I went inside the house I first had a shower after that I ate. Then slept for 1 hour and 30 minutes. 1 hour later they woke me up Yawning and they said “Let's go caving again! So we got ready Put on our suits, our waterproof shoes and off we went to the cave. We decided to go backwards. Instead of going from the entrance all the way at the top. So we went backwards. We started from swimming to climbing up the rope. 1 hour and 30 minutes later we got to the top. Since we weren't tired from the long rest we had. We went down the rope and in the water and through the exit door. Going home to do some more stuff so we can visit another caving spot somewhere else.