
Wednesday 16 October 2019

Tropical rock pool


                                         Tropical rock pool

One day at a tropical rock pool. I saw a bamboo ladder I could see a black hole. It looked like it could suck you and teleport you somewhere else. I could do bombing and op a fat manu. ‘’Have you ever been here’’? Well I haven’t this is my first time being here.

I just found it on the internet my friends told me. I was surprised at how beautiful it was it was like a tropical pool. It was surrounded by trees. I would jump off the ladder and do bombs It looked like Hawaii but it wasn’t. The water was 8 foot high it could go up to 10 or 20. It was

tall The ladder would go up to 40 feet high. If you climb all the way up it will just go to a main road where you can buy delicious food. It was one of the best pools in the world nearly every one would come here.

But when I went to the pool It was magical when no one was there except for me. It was see through water It was like you could drink out of it. But I didn’t want to cause people might of peed or farted in the pool. It was crystal clear you could drink whenever you want.

WWE Wonder writing expert

One foggy morning I was going to the forest. I was just going by myself to the forest so while I was there there were beautiful purple flowers. I saw really tall trees and a path that leads to more trees and flowers. There was a staircase that has a lot of steps I was surrounded by trees and flowers it was so foggy I couldn’t see things. The flowers was kinda hiding the staircase away so I kinda couldn’t walk up. I was about to slip while I was walking up I could get lost up here. So I didn’t want to be a Scaredy cat and do it with my friends so I did it by myself.

It was like autumn so I kinda got used to It and started liking It. It was gonna come here everyday since It was so cool. It would get warmer and warmer and warmer I would have to wear a singlet and shorts since it was so warm. I could live up here and camp but I decided not to do any of that. So I visited It every Saturday with my family They really liked as much as I did. So we came here all Saturday and visited it for 30 minutes. We can be relaxed and calmed down.

If we were angry we would come to the forest to calm us down. We were so happy to live next to the forest we could visit it every time but with our mum. We would tell our mum if we can go there nearly every single day since we liked it so much. So we just went there three times a week so we went on Monday Wednesday and Saturday. So while we went there nearly everyday I saw something scary It looked like slenderman so I ran away as fast as I can and stopped. It was my mum she was wearing a slenderman shirt and mask. It was super scary it was like I couldn’t find my mum or my family. The Staircase was about to end It was like our first time reaching the top It was like the forest. There was more purple flowers.

Monday 14 October 2019

Immersion assembly

Today on Monday the 14th of october 2019. at pt england school in the hall the whole of pt england school walked over to the hall. We went to the hall because we had an Immersion Assembly. The whole school came to the hall. Because we had to find out what our theme for term 4. ‘’Can you guess our theme’’?

First Mr Burt welcomed us and said ‘’fakalofa lahi atu’’ then we said it back. Mr Burt was wearing funny glasses with a girl colourful wig. Mr jacobson Did an act with Mr Sommervile Mr Burt and Mrs tele’a. It was a song that is about is it kind, is it true, is it necessary. After the act from the teachers we had team 1 show us there amazing about Cinderella.

It started of in a pink beautiful castle with four meaningful ladys and one helpful lady. That wanted to dance and be one of the ladies but she had to clean. Out of nowhere a fairy came and turned the 4 meaningful ladies into a frog. My favourite one was team 3 because they did all the koreos and did it in real life. After all of the act and movie plays we went back to class ready to learn.