Friday, 30 August 2019
Narritive writing
On a cold freezing morning me and Jezer went to the beach for Jezer’s birthday. We were going to the beach going fishing we were going to catch shrimp squid.
But it was low tide we had to go down deep to catch some shrimp and squid it was about to rain in two hours. We had to move quick well not that quick we had two hours.
But when we tried to catch Squid and shrimp we could not get any we were searching for 1 hour and 30 mins. So we were thinking hard and Jezer thought of a great idea.
Jezer said “let’s go to the meat shop’’ So we had to walk there since we didn’t bring the car. So we had to Walk for ten minutes. So we both walked to the meat shop. When I arrived it was closed because it was 3pm and that’s when it finishes.
Monday, 19 August 2019
Friday, 16 August 2019
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Wonder writing
On a good afternoon people came over and the car was in there pool.So we couldn't be able to swim we tried fixing it but it was too heavy so this guy grabbed something and tried getting it out but they didn't .we quickly grabbed this strong string and attached it to the car and everyone pulled so hard it nearly came out so they pulled again and just a tiny bit nearly came out but it slid back in.
Monday, 12 August 2019
wonder writing
One day I went to go ride my bike for my exercise.Suddenly I nearly fell into this deep ground but lucky I didn't fall down I took a little peek and parked my bike and went of.There was like a ladder that goes down it was a long way from home but there were birds tweeting and flying everywhere.
Wonder writing
On a good afternoon people came over and car was in there pool.So we couldn't be able to swim we tried fixing it but it was too heavy so this guy grabbed something and tried getting it out but they didn't. quickly grabbed this strong string and attached it to the car and everyone pulled so hard it nearly came out so they pulled again and just tiny bit nearly came out but it slid back in.
Wonder writing
One sneakily night this little mice tried to grab this cheese but it was on a mouse trap there were two ways to get in there was a big hole or you could come from the to but the mice came the top and he used a harness to get the cheese.It was difficult because there was a mouse trap he didn't want to go but he tried getting it he will closer and closer every time he doesn't make it was scary because he would think that he would get caught by the mouse trap it took for ages to get the cheese he looked terrified.He looked like a spy trying to get the cheese he was so sneaky that nobody could see him because he was small.The harness felt like it was gonna fall or gonna break apart as soon as he got close to the cheese he took it quickly and got back up.The person that put the mouse trap there fort that the mouse got caught he was freaked out that he didn't get caught he was unbelievable that he didn’t get caught.that mouse was super hungry that he was happy.
On a friday morning after assembly room nine and ten did two activity the first one is about trying to stand up with four people go on four chairs and lie down then the teacher takes of all the chairs you have to try not to fall. The boys had two tries to try not to fall the first the boys fell second one they fell again then it was the girls turn room ten is girls made it but not room nine then it was the boys again and the finally made it. Our second activity was you have to buddy up with someone and try get up without using your hands.
Jackie Chan and IP man
Once upon a time Jackie Chan was in a forest and was walking then a bunch of people came rushing at him. Jackie Chan fight them then IP man came to help him they are trained fighting people. Once they got them all done they said thank you then went to go eat. After a while IP man was in trouble he needed help so he went somewhere safe and called Jackie Chan for help. But suddenly he heard footsteps he thought he was gonna die behind him Jackie Chan and Jackie Chan killed him. It was getting cold so they went to their house and went sleep cause it was getting dark. When IP man woke up he was exhausted he didn't want to go out of bed so he went back to sleep. A few minutes later Jackie Chan's alarm woke him up. Jackie Chan went to go make some breakfast. Finally IP man woke up and was ready for the day. While Jackie Chan was making breakfast he was in alto of trouble but also IP man. They both nearly died but luckily they didn’t they survived. They were really hurt they needed to go doctors so they went doctors and got a lot of bruises and cuts. But the bruises went away and the cuts went away they started to get better. It was late at night they went sleep. they both had bad dreams They were dreaming about dying from monsters. But luckily it wasn't real They both jumped out of bed and was glad that they didn’t die. They nearly got a heart attack but instead they fainted and the hospital came and took IP man to the hospital. When IP man woke up he was worried because he didn't know where he was. After a while Jackie Chan went to the hospital for IP man and then went home together. IP man was feeling sick so he went back to the hospital and got medicine. Soon later they went back home and Jackie Chan was vomiting in the toilet everywhere he was sick. He didn’t want to go doctors so he went to IP man in his car he was vomiting in his car so instead he went to the doctors dizzy. People thought he was on drugs until they looked at his shirt and there was food on him everywhere. People felt sad for him because he was disgusting people was bullying him. Then Jackie Chan came and people started to fight Jackie Chan and IP man. When people touch IP man they feel disgusting but they were weak because they didn’t get energy and didn’t sleep well. But they kept on going they didn’t care about their weakness. Then there was five people left they were very good but not better then jackie chan and ip man. But they were tired of beating up the other people but luckily they know there power from there coach. They started beating people then the hole of japan came and started getting him. Then all a sudden they was asleep then they woke up and looked at themself and was surprised they was healed up. They were ready to fight so all of japan came and started the fight there was karate everywhere. There was punches and kicks everywhere it was like a disaster people was everywhere. A couple years later jackie chan met this boy called karate kid he is a strong guy he learns karate from his coach he has this sneaky move that people get knocked out from. Once he did his sneaky move and he won.
Freedom writing
Yesterday in the morning room nine did reading. We had a different teacher called mr hughes. We did rotations After a while. Room nine and ten went on the big mat and watched the news. After that we ate our morning tea then went to go play. When the bell rang mrs sio came back. We played maths whizz for fifteen minutes. Then we went in to our maths groups. A couple more minutes later we had lunch. After lunch we went swimming we learned about life jackets.
Wonder writing
Once a baby elephant and a black kitten was in a river.the baby elephant was trying to help the black kitten with the baby elephant's trunk but it was to short.the kitten was on this little rock but the baby elephant was higher than the kitten the kitten looked like it was going to fall into the water and drown.There were heaps of water grass and rocks the baby elephant was worried that the cat was gonna fall into the deep river.
Wonder Writing
While I was driving in my car I went to this racing track. But while I was there I saw an overwhelmed pollution. I saw this man on a digger truck getting all the rubbish. I could see millions and millions of rubbish so i went back home then came back a day later. When it was the next day the person was gone and there was still heaps left. So I went on the truck and cleaned all the rubbish until it hit three o clock. When it hit three o'clock there was a little bit left but when i looked around and saw a whole chunk of rubbish. I saw exhausted from all the hard work I did. So I waited for the next day to clean the chunk of rubbish but i had to do the other rubbish first. I didn’t want to do it because it smelt like poo. I Felt like not going there ever again but i had to get the work done. After a while when I was driving there my friend called me. I said can you help me clean this disgusting stinky rubbish he said okay so i went to go pick him up. As soon as we got there we were overwhelmed because we saw hundreds of mice all over the floor running around.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Capital E
On Thursday morning at 9:25 we went to see this show. The Peoples name was Sefe, Nina, Hannah they were doing a act. It was from year five up to year eight We had a assembly. There name was Capital E We were so exciting. They were actors they even did a rap called eat my face. They were so funny and active. Mr J went on and he was a character. they performed a show for us they've been rehearsing for five weeks and has done acts for three weeks. Nina did a moari speech they also did a beat we had to click then slap our legs.
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Narrative writing
When jezer and exodus went swimming in the pool they saw something secret that no one had known about it even the owners didn’t know. They went in it and saw skeletons they got scared. Once they saw them they knew it was dangerous but they still wanted to explore it more. Because they saw more animals but the most things that were there were skeletons. But when they got deeper they heard something. Suddenly The skeletons turned into real life. But lucky when they were in school they remembered There swimming lessons. But they had secret talents. Jezer had Super speed and exodus had super strength When they tried to go back. They heard a big bang when they saw the whole skeletons Chasing Them down. jezer swam away and turned into a mermaid. When exodus looked back he looked confused because he didn’t know that he would turn into a mermaid. Then exodus punched the skeletons Then more came their way, 1,0000 skeletons came rushing in. When exodus killed half of the skeletons His hands were tired. So he ran away and went to go tell the owners. But if the skeletons go in the sun they will die. Then the owners called the cops and so they had to shut the pool for a week. When a week went by. the pool opened and jezer and exodus explained what happened down there. So they went down there and saw nothing at the moment when they got deeper there was more. They looked furious and sad at the same time because they lost some of their people. Then they were angry and they rushed to the cops and they nearly died but they didn’t. When the cops came out they were hurt there was blood all over them. Then the pool was full of red blood. So people had to go in the cold freezing pool. People were so angry they never went there again when the owners cleaned the pool out they blocked the secret passageway. When people came back they were happy but they felt scared because the skeletons. But when heaps of water came to the secret passageway then it broke. Because people wanted to explore it so exodus and jezer explored every single night because they weren't scared anymore. This guy popped out of nowhere and said you only have three chances to get this gold crystal and he said here is a map. So he gave him the map and exodus and jezer followed it. When they were getting tired they had a little rest they needed help but they didn’t want to give up. So they kept on going finally when they got there they saw the crystal. But when they went to go grab it and there hand got burnt. Then they saw a shovel so they threw the shovel to the crystal and they finally got it. They thought of the greatest idea. They got the shovel and dug a hole for a short cut so they dug the hole and ended up at the park. When they got out they went right back to the pools and heard a big bomb exploded. They were so glad that they don’t have to go through something like that ever again. When they got to the pools they told the owners and they thanked the man that helped exodus and jezer save the people. They wouldn't have done without the person. But there was one more and jezer and exodus is power turned off because it was night time. But the owners pushed the skeletons into the pool and the skeletons was weak. So jezer exodus and the owners all went to go punch the skeleton. Then the skeletons died and jezer and exodus was unbelievable because that was a friend of theirs. They regretted it and they went home miserable they were sad for four days. Then they heard more skeletons when they looked outside they felt like it was fake. They didn’t want to punch the skeletons they thought it was there friends. As soon as they came inside their house there dad called. he said to lock all the windows doors because skeletons were next to there house. So they did exactly what their dad said. So they did it and as soon as they went to close the doors a skeletons hand got stuck. They tried their hardest to close the door and then they did it. When it came to the evening the dad came and went to the back door and said open the door it’s your dad quickly before they come get me. So they opened the back door then closed it quickly. The dad had invisibility so the whole family had superpowers there mum had flying powers. Then mum came and she also had laser eyes. So she flies on the roof and lasers some of the skeletons then she went to the back door and knocked. Exodus opened the door and shut hard and he heard a crack he was scared because the skeletons were hitting the door. So they had to hold the door just in case the door breaks so. This was there intense moment in there life this was the scariest thing in there life. They were so scared because there was a big boss and tons of skeletons. There was so much they didn’t know how much there was.
end game avengers
Avengers: Endgame has become the highest-grossing film of all time moving ahead of the 2009 fantasy Avatar.
The movie has now bought in $4.2 billion NZD since it opened in April.
The Disney and Marvel Studios creation posted the biggest global opening of all time, grossing $NZ1.80 billion over its first three days of release. The reason why i wanted to choose this thing because it sounded cool. I found it on kiwi kids news.

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