Friday, 6 December 2019
Lorde Is full name is Ella Marija Lani yelich-O'Connor.
She her mums culture is Croatian and Her dad is Irish
She dropped out of school because she had a great voice. She was born in New zealand.
She is now 23 but was a singer at thirteen as a teen.
Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce
Shelly is the fastest girl in the world.
Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce
She also won the 100m gold
Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce was born December 27th,1986. Which makes her 32. She is a famous Jamaican track and field sprinter. She rose to limelight in her sports career during 2008 Olympic game. At the time, she emerged as the first ever Caribbean women to bag home a gold medal in Olympic competitions.
Monday, 2 December 2019
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Ambassador Application for 2020 - Jordan
Task Description
This is my Ambassador Application for 2020. Hope you enjoy! Watch out for another blog post about this!
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Ambassador Application Video
Enjoy my Application Video!
Life's a stage,
Term 4,
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Tropical rock pool
Tropical rock pool
One day at a tropical rock pool. I saw a bamboo ladder I could see a black hole. It looked like it could suck you and teleport you somewhere else. I could do bombing and op a fat manu. ‘’Have you ever been here’’? Well I haven’t this is my first time being here.
I just found it on the internet my friends told me. I was surprised at how beautiful it was it was like a tropical pool. It was surrounded by trees. I would jump off the ladder and do bombs It looked like Hawaii but it wasn’t. The water was 8 foot high it could go up to 10 or 20. It was
tall The ladder would go up to 40 feet high. If you climb all the way up it will just go to a main road where you can buy delicious food. It was one of the best pools in the world nearly every one would come here.
But when I went to the pool It was magical when no one was there except for me. It was see through water It was like you could drink out of it. But I didn’t want to cause people might of peed or farted in the pool. It was crystal clear you could drink whenever you want.
WWE Wonder writing expert
One foggy morning I was going to the forest. I was just going by myself to the forest so while I was there there were beautiful purple flowers. I saw really tall trees and a path that leads to more trees and flowers. There was a staircase that has a lot of steps I was surrounded by trees and flowers it was so foggy I couldn’t see things. The flowers was kinda hiding the staircase away so I kinda couldn’t walk up. I was about to slip while I was walking up I could get lost up here. So I didn’t want to be a Scaredy cat and do it with my friends so I did it by myself.
It was like autumn so I kinda got used to It and started liking It. It was gonna come here everyday since It was so cool. It would get warmer and warmer and warmer I would have to wear a singlet and shorts since it was so warm. I could live up here and camp but I decided not to do any of that. So I visited It every Saturday with my family They really liked as much as I did. So we came here all Saturday and visited it for 30 minutes. We can be relaxed and calmed down.
If we were angry we would come to the forest to calm us down. We were so happy to live next to the forest we could visit it every time but with our mum. We would tell our mum if we can go there nearly every single day since we liked it so much. So we just went there three times a week so we went on Monday Wednesday and Saturday. So while we went there nearly everyday I saw something scary It looked like slenderman so I ran away as fast as I can and stopped. It was my mum she was wearing a slenderman shirt and mask. It was super scary it was like I couldn’t find my mum or my family. The Staircase was about to end It was like our first time reaching the top It was like the forest. There was more purple flowers.
Monday, 14 October 2019
Immersion assembly
Today on Monday the 14th of october 2019. at pt england school in the hall the whole of pt england school walked over to the hall. We went to the hall because we had an Immersion Assembly. The whole school came to the hall. Because we had to find out what our theme for term 4. ‘’Can you guess our theme’’?
First Mr Burt welcomed us and said ‘’fakalofa lahi atu’’ then we said it back. Mr Burt was wearing funny glasses with a girl colourful wig. Mr jacobson Did an act with Mr Sommervile Mr Burt and Mrs tele’a. It was a song that is about is it kind, is it true, is it necessary. After the act from the teachers we had team 1 show us there amazing about Cinderella.
It started of in a pink beautiful castle with four meaningful ladys and one helpful lady. That wanted to dance and be one of the ladies but she had to clean. Out of nowhere a fairy came and turned the 4 meaningful ladies into a frog. My favourite one was team 3 because they did all the koreos and did it in real life. After all of the act and movie plays we went back to class ready to learn.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Something in the water
Hi my name is Jordan and this is my animation about something in the water. We have been learning about the Rocky Shore and the sea creatures that live there. There are different zones like the splash zone, low tide, mid tide and high tide zones.
I picked an octopus to animate as my creature. Octopus have 8 tentacles. They have soft bodies and no bones.
There are many creatures that are prey or predators in the water.
An octopus eats fish and crabs and other sea creatures. Crabs eat mussels. Seagulls eat crabs.
Humans are also predators that eat sea creatures like fish and crabs and even octopus.
Thanks for watching.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Friday, 13 September 2019
one very odd morning There was a windy bad storm with lighting thunder. The weather was going to be bad so we had to do something. So some people in the neighbours thought of something significant idea but kinda silly. They said to put all of their umbrellas at there windows when I looked outside of the window. It looked so colourful and overwhelming umbrellas. If we open our windows our windows will crack and it will be shaking because it was super strong. It felt like an earthquake It was cracking when I went to look at the weather. It was pouring rain for the last three weeks we were super super angry because we could not have fun. The umbrellas were getting pretty weak for two weeks and we could not buy umbrellas at the store. Cause it was raining for a long time and we had to play indoor games.
Friday, 30 August 2019
Narritive writing
On a cold freezing morning me and Jezer went to the beach for Jezer’s birthday. We were going to the beach going fishing we were going to catch shrimp squid.
But it was low tide we had to go down deep to catch some shrimp and squid it was about to rain in two hours. We had to move quick well not that quick we had two hours.
But when we tried to catch Squid and shrimp we could not get any we were searching for 1 hour and 30 mins. So we were thinking hard and Jezer thought of a great idea.
Jezer said “let’s go to the meat shop’’ So we had to walk there since we didn’t bring the car. So we had to Walk for ten minutes. So we both walked to the meat shop. When I arrived it was closed because it was 3pm and that’s when it finishes.
Monday, 19 August 2019
Friday, 16 August 2019
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Wonder writing
On a good afternoon people came over and the car was in there pool.So we couldn't be able to swim we tried fixing it but it was too heavy so this guy grabbed something and tried getting it out but they didn't .we quickly grabbed this strong string and attached it to the car and everyone pulled so hard it nearly came out so they pulled again and just a tiny bit nearly came out but it slid back in.
Monday, 12 August 2019
wonder writing
One day I went to go ride my bike for my exercise.Suddenly I nearly fell into this deep ground but lucky I didn't fall down I took a little peek and parked my bike and went of.There was like a ladder that goes down it was a long way from home but there were birds tweeting and flying everywhere.
Wonder writing
On a good afternoon people came over and car was in there pool.So we couldn't be able to swim we tried fixing it but it was too heavy so this guy grabbed something and tried getting it out but they didn't. quickly grabbed this strong string and attached it to the car and everyone pulled so hard it nearly came out so they pulled again and just tiny bit nearly came out but it slid back in.
Wonder writing
One sneakily night this little mice tried to grab this cheese but it was on a mouse trap there were two ways to get in there was a big hole or you could come from the to but the mice came the top and he used a harness to get the cheese.It was difficult because there was a mouse trap he didn't want to go but he tried getting it he will closer and closer every time he doesn't make it was scary because he would think that he would get caught by the mouse trap it took for ages to get the cheese he looked terrified.He looked like a spy trying to get the cheese he was so sneaky that nobody could see him because he was small.The harness felt like it was gonna fall or gonna break apart as soon as he got close to the cheese he took it quickly and got back up.The person that put the mouse trap there fort that the mouse got caught he was freaked out that he didn't get caught he was unbelievable that he didn’t get caught.that mouse was super hungry that he was happy.
On a friday morning after assembly room nine and ten did two activity the first one is about trying to stand up with four people go on four chairs and lie down then the teacher takes of all the chairs you have to try not to fall. The boys had two tries to try not to fall the first the boys fell second one they fell again then it was the girls turn room ten is girls made it but not room nine then it was the boys again and the finally made it. Our second activity was you have to buddy up with someone and try get up without using your hands.
Jackie Chan and IP man
Once upon a time Jackie Chan was in a forest and was walking then a bunch of people came rushing at him. Jackie Chan fight them then IP man came to help him they are trained fighting people. Once they got them all done they said thank you then went to go eat. After a while IP man was in trouble he needed help so he went somewhere safe and called Jackie Chan for help. But suddenly he heard footsteps he thought he was gonna die behind him Jackie Chan and Jackie Chan killed him. It was getting cold so they went to their house and went sleep cause it was getting dark. When IP man woke up he was exhausted he didn't want to go out of bed so he went back to sleep. A few minutes later Jackie Chan's alarm woke him up. Jackie Chan went to go make some breakfast. Finally IP man woke up and was ready for the day. While Jackie Chan was making breakfast he was in alto of trouble but also IP man. They both nearly died but luckily they didn’t they survived. They were really hurt they needed to go doctors so they went doctors and got a lot of bruises and cuts. But the bruises went away and the cuts went away they started to get better. It was late at night they went sleep. they both had bad dreams They were dreaming about dying from monsters. But luckily it wasn't real They both jumped out of bed and was glad that they didn’t die. They nearly got a heart attack but instead they fainted and the hospital came and took IP man to the hospital. When IP man woke up he was worried because he didn't know where he was. After a while Jackie Chan went to the hospital for IP man and then went home together. IP man was feeling sick so he went back to the hospital and got medicine. Soon later they went back home and Jackie Chan was vomiting in the toilet everywhere he was sick. He didn’t want to go doctors so he went to IP man in his car he was vomiting in his car so instead he went to the doctors dizzy. People thought he was on drugs until they looked at his shirt and there was food on him everywhere. People felt sad for him because he was disgusting people was bullying him. Then Jackie Chan came and people started to fight Jackie Chan and IP man. When people touch IP man they feel disgusting but they were weak because they didn’t get energy and didn’t sleep well. But they kept on going they didn’t care about their weakness. Then there was five people left they were very good but not better then jackie chan and ip man. But they were tired of beating up the other people but luckily they know there power from there coach. They started beating people then the hole of japan came and started getting him. Then all a sudden they was asleep then they woke up and looked at themself and was surprised they was healed up. They were ready to fight so all of japan came and started the fight there was karate everywhere. There was punches and kicks everywhere it was like a disaster people was everywhere. A couple years later jackie chan met this boy called karate kid he is a strong guy he learns karate from his coach he has this sneaky move that people get knocked out from. Once he did his sneaky move and he won.
Freedom writing
Yesterday in the morning room nine did reading. We had a different teacher called mr hughes. We did rotations After a while. Room nine and ten went on the big mat and watched the news. After that we ate our morning tea then went to go play. When the bell rang mrs sio came back. We played maths whizz for fifteen minutes. Then we went in to our maths groups. A couple more minutes later we had lunch. After lunch we went swimming we learned about life jackets.
Wonder writing
Once a baby elephant and a black kitten was in a river.the baby elephant was trying to help the black kitten with the baby elephant's trunk but it was to short.the kitten was on this little rock but the baby elephant was higher than the kitten the kitten looked like it was going to fall into the water and drown.There were heaps of water grass and rocks the baby elephant was worried that the cat was gonna fall into the deep river.
Wonder Writing
While I was driving in my car I went to this racing track. But while I was there I saw an overwhelmed pollution. I saw this man on a digger truck getting all the rubbish. I could see millions and millions of rubbish so i went back home then came back a day later. When it was the next day the person was gone and there was still heaps left. So I went on the truck and cleaned all the rubbish until it hit three o clock. When it hit three o'clock there was a little bit left but when i looked around and saw a whole chunk of rubbish. I saw exhausted from all the hard work I did. So I waited for the next day to clean the chunk of rubbish but i had to do the other rubbish first. I didn’t want to do it because it smelt like poo. I Felt like not going there ever again but i had to get the work done. After a while when I was driving there my friend called me. I said can you help me clean this disgusting stinky rubbish he said okay so i went to go pick him up. As soon as we got there we were overwhelmed because we saw hundreds of mice all over the floor running around.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Capital E
On Thursday morning at 9:25 we went to see this show. The Peoples name was Sefe, Nina, Hannah they were doing a act. It was from year five up to year eight We had a assembly. There name was Capital E We were so exciting. They were actors they even did a rap called eat my face. They were so funny and active. Mr J went on and he was a character. they performed a show for us they've been rehearsing for five weeks and has done acts for three weeks. Nina did a moari speech they also did a beat we had to click then slap our legs.
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Narrative writing
When jezer and exodus went swimming in the pool they saw something secret that no one had known about it even the owners didn’t know. They went in it and saw skeletons they got scared. Once they saw them they knew it was dangerous but they still wanted to explore it more. Because they saw more animals but the most things that were there were skeletons. But when they got deeper they heard something. Suddenly The skeletons turned into real life. But lucky when they were in school they remembered There swimming lessons. But they had secret talents. Jezer had Super speed and exodus had super strength When they tried to go back. They heard a big bang when they saw the whole skeletons Chasing Them down. jezer swam away and turned into a mermaid. When exodus looked back he looked confused because he didn’t know that he would turn into a mermaid. Then exodus punched the skeletons Then more came their way, 1,0000 skeletons came rushing in. When exodus killed half of the skeletons His hands were tired. So he ran away and went to go tell the owners. But if the skeletons go in the sun they will die. Then the owners called the cops and so they had to shut the pool for a week. When a week went by. the pool opened and jezer and exodus explained what happened down there. So they went down there and saw nothing at the moment when they got deeper there was more. They looked furious and sad at the same time because they lost some of their people. Then they were angry and they rushed to the cops and they nearly died but they didn’t. When the cops came out they were hurt there was blood all over them. Then the pool was full of red blood. So people had to go in the cold freezing pool. People were so angry they never went there again when the owners cleaned the pool out they blocked the secret passageway. When people came back they were happy but they felt scared because the skeletons. But when heaps of water came to the secret passageway then it broke. Because people wanted to explore it so exodus and jezer explored every single night because they weren't scared anymore. This guy popped out of nowhere and said you only have three chances to get this gold crystal and he said here is a map. So he gave him the map and exodus and jezer followed it. When they were getting tired they had a little rest they needed help but they didn’t want to give up. So they kept on going finally when they got there they saw the crystal. But when they went to go grab it and there hand got burnt. Then they saw a shovel so they threw the shovel to the crystal and they finally got it. They thought of the greatest idea. They got the shovel and dug a hole for a short cut so they dug the hole and ended up at the park. When they got out they went right back to the pools and heard a big bomb exploded. They were so glad that they don’t have to go through something like that ever again. When they got to the pools they told the owners and they thanked the man that helped exodus and jezer save the people. They wouldn't have done without the person. But there was one more and jezer and exodus is power turned off because it was night time. But the owners pushed the skeletons into the pool and the skeletons was weak. So jezer exodus and the owners all went to go punch the skeleton. Then the skeletons died and jezer and exodus was unbelievable because that was a friend of theirs. They regretted it and they went home miserable they were sad for four days. Then they heard more skeletons when they looked outside they felt like it was fake. They didn’t want to punch the skeletons they thought it was there friends. As soon as they came inside their house there dad called. he said to lock all the windows doors because skeletons were next to there house. So they did exactly what their dad said. So they did it and as soon as they went to close the doors a skeletons hand got stuck. They tried their hardest to close the door and then they did it. When it came to the evening the dad came and went to the back door and said open the door it’s your dad quickly before they come get me. So they opened the back door then closed it quickly. The dad had invisibility so the whole family had superpowers there mum had flying powers. Then mum came and she also had laser eyes. So she flies on the roof and lasers some of the skeletons then she went to the back door and knocked. Exodus opened the door and shut hard and he heard a crack he was scared because the skeletons were hitting the door. So they had to hold the door just in case the door breaks so. This was there intense moment in there life this was the scariest thing in there life. They were so scared because there was a big boss and tons of skeletons. There was so much they didn’t know how much there was.
end game avengers
Avengers: Endgame has become the highest-grossing film of all time moving ahead of the 2009 fantasy Avatar.
The movie has now bought in $4.2 billion NZD since it opened in April.
The Disney and Marvel Studios creation posted the biggest global opening of all time, grossing $NZ1.80 billion over its first three days of release. The reason why i wanted to choose this thing because it sounded cool. I found it on kiwi kids news.

Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Today room nine learnt about fractions the top one is numerator and the bottom one is denominator. we had to solve the fractions then do the numbers.
Monday, 29 July 2019
Wonder writing
When I was getting ready to go to the zoo. When I went there I saw a furious tiger that was swimming in the water. The tiger was going to get meat or fish for itself to eat. He looked like he would never go in the water ever again. When people were looking at him his sharp claws scratched the glass and some people ran away. Then his sharp teeth made a crack then everyone ran away. No one wanted to go there ever again. But then the zookeeper's came and they had to put him to sleep because he scared everyone away and he made a scratch. When the zookeeper’s put the tiger to sleep the other tigers were crying because they thought that the tiger went missing. The never saw the zookeeper’s take the tiger away. Then the tiger came back and it’s family was excited. Because the tiger was back Then they started playing around and joking around. they had so much fun. Then they went swimming for meat and fish. The next day people were sad because they really missed the tiger even though the tiger cracked the glass. When the people came they were excited because they saw a tiger. When they saw him the tiger was having so much fun. The tiger was all fine and was not cracking the glass.
Friday, 26 July 2019
Immersion assembly
Thursday, 25 July 2019
Bread experiment mold
On Tuesday morning we grabbed a bread and a small plastic bag for our experiment. we got into three groups with two people in it. For each group we had to put our bread in the plastic bag. The first group had to put it in a sunny place to see if it will mold for our reading. The second group had to put somewhere cold in the freezer to see if it will mold. The third group had to put somewhere dark to see if it will mold. Then we waited for two days and then we got it when we got it the first group and third group bread did not work.
Wednesday, 24 July 2019
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Monday, 1 July 2019
Auckland Champs - 2019
On Thursday morning the under 45kg's had a tournament. We had to be there before 8:30. When we all got there we went on the bus and waited until we got there. When we got there we were waiting until it was nearly our game. Then we were training and we were doing high knees side shuffles and butt kicks. Then it was our game first game we versed Roscommon. We kicked off to them and we tackled them five times then it was hand over. We started with a run and gained meters. Then we scored a try and it was one - nil. Then Roscommon scored a try then it was 1 1. Then we both scored a try. It was two two and it was a draw because it was full time. After a while we went to go watch the open weight team and they won their one too. It was our second game and we versed this other team. When we versed them we beat them. We had good runs and good tackles. Then we versed Bay Field and we beat them. When we ran, we ran up straight and bumped them off and we hit them hard. We won that game. After that it was our last game we versed Holy Cross, the points were close. It was 6 - 5, we tried so hard that we won Auckland champs and we got the shield.
We did a great job with bringing the title of being the U45kg's Rugby League Champions!
We did a great job with bringing the title of being the U45kg's Rugby League Champions!
Tuesday, 25 June 2019
Monday, 17 June 2019
Meadow bank vs pt England
On Tuesday lunch time we had a rugby game against meadow bank. When we started we kicked off and i played as center. They were a pretty good team but we were better there was one big person and one fast person. When we looked at them we noticed someone that used to come to our school he was playing for meadow bank. We Had to warm up. First we did high knees. Then Mr j told the captains to come because he is the ref. After the first half another ref came. We still had to train then we did bum kicks and side shuffles. A couple minutes later the game started and we kicked off to them. When Bronson drop kicked to them they came and we tackled them. Then we did a scrum I went long just in case they kick it. Then we had another scrum and we did this secret thing it was called D2 what we do is we fake cut then we cut then we pass then get a runaway. Then it was half time it was we had twenty minutes left. Then it was there kick off when they kicked off we got a try in 2 minutes then we kicked off and chased the ball. Then we had another scrum and when they passed it Bronson got an intercept and scored a try. Then it was nearly finished so we kicked it out to finish the game but it didn’t finish. After that they were near the try but luckily they didn’t get try we tackled them out and the game ended. Then we did our cheers.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
When i was at hamilton we went to this beautiful garden place made by different countries. I i i little while when i was there i needed to go to the toilet. I my cousin and brother and while i was in the toilet there was a old man. When i was there the old man farted and me and my brother and cousin tried not laugh we had to hold our laugh. We had to wait for him to get out. Once he came out we were laughing. Then we went to this garden and saw he was like looking at us nearly the whole time. Then he left he probably felt embarrassed of himself. Once i came out the toilet i was laughing fo so long. After that when we were coming home my brother took of his shoe and put in the water and splashed it on my face and mouth. It was disgusting because it was dirty and it was raining.The End...
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Narrative Description
One beautiful day i wanted to go to the beach with chloe pig and peppa pig so we got ready to go to the beach. Suddenly chole pig went somewhere and was about to get cooked. But luckily peppa pig saved chole pig. So we just went surfing once we fell out but chole pig and peppa pig came back to the surfboard because they are smart they will paddle. Then we went to go play on the sand and ate some coconut and banana. While we were swimming it tasted like salt water and there were footprints on the sand. There was waves everywhere we would dig holes with our nose and our nose would be sandy. The pig will snort and sometimes when the waves come we sometimes fall. Peppa pig and chloe pig had heaps of fun going to the beach. We would sure like to do the same thing as today. Peppa pig and chloe pig has a gopro on its head to show what they do.
Friday, 10 May 2019
Describing a setting
One day i went for a walk. i saw a abandoned house i looked up and saw grey clouds. I wanted to go inside but i was to scared i was gonna die. There were broken things on top of the house. It looked like it was about to rain. There were alot of clouds and rocks their was a ocean that goes to this hill. I went and knocked on the door and the door opened but no one answered i saw a spooky skeleton on the floor. I was already scared but i kept on exploring and i kept on finding skeletons i went under bunker and i was amazed at what i saw. I went to go grab something and i got scared but it was just a thunder. I looked at the back of me and something fell and i got scared. I kept on walking and i looked to the side of me and i saw my own self kept on getting scared. Once i kept on getting scared i will run out side and never come back. But i didn't get scared at all i was far away from going on top when i went up and someone locked me inside the bunker. There was green long grass that comes up to my knees hard stones that will break stuff. I went outside because the bunker opened and climbed the rocks outside and on the roof. I looked at the chimney and smoke was coming out and then there was another thunder.
Friday, 3 May 2019
From Tuesday to Thursday every afternoon we go swimming. There are four swimming teachers three female teachers and one male teacher. We learn about latitude and longitude, we turn around in anti clockwise and clockwise direction. The male teacher those boards we have to put our head under the water then put your head up so you can breath. Then some of us when to the side and the other side and some of us grabbed boards and made waves we have to try swim thru the waves. We get to go in the pool for thirty minutes then we go back to school then we go home. We go to hang up our togs ready for the next day to go swimming. We have to go in the pool safely. Once we used these big rings and we would swim under water and get one by one. there names are Brian Mele Hannah and Jaqui. On Monday and Friday we don't go swimming Monday and Monday is a spare day on week three the year eights. Are going camp and we get to go swimming on Friday on week three.
Thursday, 2 May 2019
in the morning on Wednesday and Thursday room nine did coding. It was star wars and mine craft we had 15 levels and 12 levels. The mine craft kept on not working but it was hard also the star wars we did it as a class. there is heaps of other activity's that you can play the name is called hour of code.
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
I like your latitude
On Monday morning the first day of term two everybody was happy to meet each other. Then we went to class and went to the school assembly to do team one two three four and five did a movie or a act of what were doing this term. This terms koreo is i like your latitude it is directions under and over. I wanna know why the bees are dying.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
school holiday
In the school holidays i’m going to be doing a lot of gaming and my baby sister. I’m gonna be helping my family by doing my chores because owe it since it is the school holiday. I’m going to be eating and drinking so that i can be hydrated. I am going to be having to be baby sit my baby sister because my family goes work and then come home after.
The tallest tower with marshmallow and raw spaghetti.
On Friday morning we went in to seven groups with three or four people in it.We tried making tall stacks of marshmallow and sticks it is very difficult.We had thirty minutes to make the highest tower we kept on snapping the sticks and kept on breaking the marshmallow.Then there five more minutes so we went to the mat and then we got started.
Monday, 8 April 2019
Today in the morning room nine did fiop which means finish it of properly but we had to finish our writing it was called revised version. we have to pick any of our writings we had to proofread it and edit to check if it makes sense. we have to do four of our pieces of writing.After morning tea we did maths we had to do fifteen minutes of maths whizz after that we go into our groups and the people that don’t go on the mat has to finish of there maths activities. After lunch we did inquiry and a game if were good as soon as the bell rings we do a draw for juices then we go home.
Freedom writing
In the morning i woke up and got dressed up for school ready to learn.When i got to school I played with my friends then the first bell rang and door opened after a little while I went to go put my bag away.Then i went to go play again then the learning bell rang and so we went to go sit inside the square and listened to the teacher mrs Sio for the instructions.first we went to creative space and maker space I was in maker space we had cut cardboard Once were finished mr vogt measures the cardboard he draws the lines.when we got back to class we had to get our Chromebook and do our work once we done our work we everyone was loud so mrs Sio did stop looking listen and the class put there hands on there head and listened to mrs Sio for the next instructions but we had to do the same thing.Then it was morning tea so we all got our morning tea and ate then mrs Sio picked the people to go morning tea that is finished we had to get our hat and put our rubbish in the rubbish bin then we go to play when I played with my friends I was playing a running game it was a two vs two.
It was me and Zechariah vs witari and Jermaine first it was me and Zechariah to run So we started running away but i nearly got caught after a little while the bell rang and they still didn't get us so we went to class and did our maths we had to do maths whizz for 15 minutes.
It was me and Zechariah vs witari and Jermaine first it was me and Zechariah to run So we started running away but i nearly got caught after a little while the bell rang and they still didn't get us so we went to class and did our maths we had to do maths whizz for 15 minutes.
Team work makes the dream work
On a friday morning after assembly room nine and ten did two activity the first one is about trying to stand up with four people go on four chairs and lie down then the teacher takes of all the chairs you have to try not to fall. The boys had two tries to try not to fall the first the boys fell second one they fell again then it was the girls turn room ten is girls made it but not room nine then it was the boys again and the finally made it. Our second activity was you have to buddy up with someone and try get up without using your hands.
Thursday, 28 March 2019
Friday, 1 March 2019
Thursday, 28 February 2019
Sunday, 24 February 2019
Fortnite plan to get victory royal
Narrative plan
- Plan a narrative about “Better together” - working as a team in reaching “Victory Royale”
Mission to get a victory
Who are the characters?
Why are the characters there? |
Skull trooper black knight aerial assault trooper recon expert
Because they're famous
Setting: When and where does
the story take place? |
in day
Pleasant park
Plot: What happens in the story?
Skull topper black knight aerial assault trooper and recon expert
Jumped out of the battle bus. |
Sequence of events:
Beginning, middle and end.
In the beginning Black knight was shooting John wick was low on
health Then black knight went to go rush john wick while john wick was healing since he was low but he had no healings but he had a campfire. In the middle there were one squad left and recon expert and skull trooper were looking for the last squad but they up max height so they were looking everywhere for the last squad so they looked up and saw Them so they they were shooting the building down and down they went.In the end they got the victory! |
Conflict and Resolution:
What was the problem and solution?
Recon expert was low and skull trooper was low to but they clutched it.
Descriptive details of your feelings
and events Include ‘dialogue’. |
In the game it Relieved because we went all over the fortnite map and it felt
like i went on a adventure.It was fun because we got to shoot people and Loot some houses and destroy some things to get materials. |
Partnership, participation, protection, teamwork, joint effort, BattleBus, PUBG,
In the beginning there four players that had jumped out of the battle bus and had
runned into a whole squad of other people and went to go rush them so they all pulled
out there gold pump shotgun but they were all low on ammo they only had five ammo
left they were all 100 shields and 100 health. One of them knocked and then killed a
hole squad and got fifty shields each and drank mini shields then there four more
squads left and rushed into two squads and eliminated one of them. The other squad was good but they were all camping and was low on health they were all on fifty
health and the other squad was 100 shield and 100 health. They Didn't no that they
were so low but they went to go rush them because they were camping so they
started shooting there buildings but they kept on building and they kept on shooting
there building so they can run out of materials and they ran out of materials .But they
still got killed and there were now two squads left one of them were in the middle
and the other squad was next to them they were fighting each other and one of
them got eliminated and so it was a squad vs squad but the other squad only had
three people in their squad they eliminated two of them and finished them of and
now it was a four vs one they were looking for him but they wanted to do trick shots
so they trick shoted him in the air and got him and they got the victory royal.
runned into a whole squad of other people and went to go rush them so they all pulled
out there gold pump shotgun but they were all low on ammo they only had five ammo
left they were all 100 shields and 100 health. One of them knocked and then killed a
hole squad and got fifty shields each and drank mini shields then there four more
squads left and rushed into two squads and eliminated one of them. The other squad was good but they were all camping and was low on health they were all on fifty
health and the other squad was 100 shield and 100 health. They Didn't no that they
were so low but they went to go rush them because they were camping so they
started shooting there buildings but they kept on building and they kept on shooting
there building so they can run out of materials and they ran out of materials .But they
still got killed and there were now two squads left one of them were in the middle
and the other squad was next to them they were fighting each other and one of
them got eliminated and so it was a squad vs squad but the other squad only had
three people in their squad they eliminated two of them and finished them of and
now it was a four vs one they were looking for him but they wanted to do trick shots
so they trick shoted him in the air and got him and they got the victory royal.
Friday, 15 February 2019
Friday, 8 February 2019
About me
Talofa lava, My name is Jordan and i am a year 5. My teacher's name are Mrs sio and miss west. I enjoy doing sports because it keeps me fit.I like going on a holiday My favorite thing to do is to play with my friends. , I play on the weekend games on my ps4 like wwe2k17 and nba2k19. My Other favourite thing to do is to do sports and run around. |
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